Vote Rafael Menis for Pinole City Treasurer, November 5th 2024
Fiscal Responsibility
Paid for by Menis for Treasurer 2024, FPPC ID# 1467612
Knowing what's in our budget is important! However, I acknowledge that most Pinole residents don’t have the time to track and study our budget in-depth. As your City Treasurer, I will keep you fully informed by:
Showing you where we make money
Where we're losing money
How we are fixing it
Government should work for you — not the other way around. As a Pinole resident, you should have a say in how your taxpayer dollars are used and have the authority to hold our elected officials accountable for their spending decisions. I will:
Report where we are spending your money at meetings
Show whether our investments are earning the returns they should
Publicize and create community engagement events with the budget, like the Balancing Act
We need a City Treasurer that shows up for Pinole. I will transform the Treasurer’s Office by:
Having monthly community engagement events
Accepting no contributions from corporations or developers
Advocating for a regular treasurer's report at City Council meetings
What I Stand For
About Me
I am autistic. That means my brain is wired differently- I am better at identifying patterns, focusing on details and completing repetitive tasks than most people. It also means that I see the world differently- it underlies my commitments to justice, integrity and community.
I wear tie-dye to symbolize this, as the rainbow is a symbol of autism. I believe that these traits would make me a better treasurer, as the core duties of the role require attention to detail in comparing and verifying warrants, and identifying patterns in the city’s investments to determine more optimal allocations.
I've shown this through using that attention to detail in my work, education, and commission work. I have categorized and combined thousands of entries yearly in bookkeeping for Flourishing Daylilies. It has also helped me in my education, both in earning a BA in Political Science with General Honors from the University of Chicago and in further education in accounting since then. Finally, as a planning commissioner, I have significantly improved our housing element through my detailed inquiries and comments in the drafting process, and have helped make the planning process more transparent to the public and applicants in several projects through my questions.
I am proud to have been endorsed by:
Devin Murphy (Pinole City Councilmember)
Anthony Tave (Pinole City Councilmember)
Jamela Smith-Folds (WCCUSD Ward 1 Trustee)
Vincent Salimi (former Pinole Mayor)
Anthony Caro
Alex Walker-Griffin (Hercules Councilmember)
Jovanka Beckles (AC Transit District 1 representative)
Claudia Jiminez (Richmond Councilmember)
John Bender (Planning Commissioner)
Christy Lam-Julian (Planning Commissioner)
Adam Benzuly (former Planning Commissioner)
Gabriel Sandoval (Planning Commissioner)
Andrew Uch (Planning Commissioner)
Irma Ruport (Community Services Commissioner)
Pinole Progressive Alliance
Alfred Twu
Jeremy Levine
Stephen Tilton
Pinole for Fair Government
Democratic Party of Contra Costa
West County Democratic Club
California Democratic Party
Contra Costa Young Democrats
Older Adult Education Forever
Cameron Sasai (Pinole City Councilmember)
IAFF Local 1230